How To Save Imovie On Flash Drive

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This tutorial will show you how to backup and save your iMovie project to external storage — a flash drive, a hard drive, MC Storage Space, or cloud storage.
  1. How To Save Imovie On Flash Drive File
  2. How To Save Imovie On Flash Drive Windows 10
  3. How To Save Imovie On Flash Drive

Note: If you wish to backup your project to the MC Storage Space, you will need to sign up for an MC Storage Space before backing up your iMovie/Final Cut Pro/GarageBand project.

If you wish to back up your project to an MC Storage Space please visit our Backing Up Your Project to External Storage tutorial.

To save an iMovie to your Mac, you can navigate to the Projects tab in the iMovie app or click on the File menu from the top toolbar. Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories. To choose the type of export format, click 'Options' button to set the compression, frame rate and key frame. Then click 'Save' and the imovie video will be saved on your mac.Export iMovie to DV TapeYou can save your movie finished with iMovie as a raw digital video format on DV tape1. In this tutorial, I will show you the exact steps to export (save) your video in iMovie to a file you can upload to YouTube or Facebook (or save on your hard drive where you can watch it). Now before we jump into how to save in iMovie, I assume you've already imported video clips and done some editing. This tutorial will show you how to backup and save your iMovie project to external storage — a flash drive, a hard drive, MC Storage Space, or cloud storage. Note: If you wish to backup your project to the MC Storage Space, you will need to sign up for an MC Storage Space before backing up your iMovie/Final Cut Pro/GarageBand project.

Movie Library

iMovie will autosave all of its data and assets (video, images, audio) into a library file called iMovie Library in the Movies folder of the computer you are working on for the day. Every time you make a change or add to your project in iMovie, your project will autosave. This iMovie Library file must not be renamed or it will stop working.

How To Save Imovie On Flash Drive File

When you are done editing for the day, close out of iMovie by click on the red button in the top-left corner of the program. This will ensure that your project saves one last time before you back it up.

Next, locate your iMovie Library in the Movies folder by either double-clicking on the Macintosh HD icon in the top-right corner of your desktop, or clicking on the Finder icon at the bottom of your screen. This will bring up a new Finder window.

The Movies folder is located on the left-hand side of this Finder window, so click on Movies. Your iMovie Library will be listed in that folder. This is the file you will want to move back and forth, between your external storage and the computer.

Do not double-click on this file, otherwise it will open you project back up and you will have to close out of iMovie again.

Backing Up

Locate the Access My MC Storage Space icon on the right hand side of the desktop and double click the icon.

This will launch the MC Drive but it will not open on its own.
Once the MC icon appears on the desktop, double-click it.

This will open up a new Finder window with all of the MC Storage Space folders for which you have signed up.

Double-click on the folder that you wish to save to.

You should have two Finder windows open — one with your iMovie Library, and one for your external storage. Go to the one with your iMovie Library.

Right-click on your iMovie Library file. Within this menu, select 'Compress iMovie Library.' This will compress your file into a .zip file, which protects your file, and creates a second backup.

Once you've compressed your iMovie Library, you should now have a file called iMovie in this list as well.
Now all that's left to do is to drag both your iMovie Library and iMovie over into your external storage folder (flash drive, hard drive, or MC Storage). Dragging and dropping these files will copy them into your storage.
If you have an older version of your iMovie Library in your storage folder, the computer will ask you if you wish to replace it with your new project. Select 'Replace' in order to overwrite your old iMovie Library with your new iMovie Library. Be careful not to overwrite your current iMovie Library!

Once your iMovie Library and iMovie files are copied into storage, you are all set to logout of the computer! Now you will have your projects backed up, so you can restore them and work on them again later.


To restore your project from the MC Storage Space server or from an external drive, you will reverse the back-up process and this time move the iMovie Library from your Storage Space to the Movies Folder. You will need to to this before you launch iMovie.

Once your

How To Save Imovie On Flash Drive Windows 10

iMovie Library is back in the Movies folder of your computer, eject whichever external drive you had connected to the computer by right-clicking on the icon on the Desktop, and select 'Eject.' This will ensure that you are not working from your backup copy of your project.

Once your drive is ejected, double-click on your iMovie Library in the Movies folder, and all of your work will return so you can continue editing.

If you are not 100% sure about how to back up your files to the Media Commons Storage Space or have general questions, please contact us before you leave the Media Commons editing lab.
Before saving your iMovie project, please make sure that your external hard drive is compatible.Your external hard drive must be formatted as Mac OS Extended (Journaled). iMovie doesn't support network-attached storage (mapped network drive or Google Drive) or external flash memory drives.

Saving a project to a hard disk:

1. First connect the external hard disk to your computer.

2. Create a new library in your external hard drive. Go to File => Open Library => New.

Then, saving the imovie library in your external hard drive.

3. Select your event and go to File => Copy Event to Library => yourlibraryname.imovielibrary

Then, the event will show up in the library you just created. How to play new call of duty. You can delete the default empty event by right click the event and choose 'Delete Event'.

Free drawing mac software. 4. Go to Project Library

5. Click on the next the project you have created. Choose Copy to Library => yourLibraryName

Now, the project and events are all saved into your external hard drive!

If you want to open your hard, you can simply click on the imovie library in your external hard drive.


1. Open iMovie

2. Go to File => Open Library => Other…

3. Choose 'Locate'

4. Choose the imovie library in your external hard drive How do i turn my computer camera on.

5. Choose the project want to open

And the project and events are here!


'Copy Project/ or Move project' means that project in its new location rather than physically copying project's video and other media (such as photos) onto the other disk. This will NOT allow you to work on your project from another Mac. It creates only a copy of the project file, no clips, images, etc. that are part of your project. This is not usually useful for protecting/backing up your work.

How To Save Imovie On Flash Drive

'Copy Projects and Events/ or Move Projects and Events' means that the source video and other media you added to the project are copied to the new location/ hard drive. If you select Move, instead of Copy, these files will be deleted from their original location. Moving or Copying Project and Events will allow you to work on your project from another Mac.
Note: Move vs. Copy?
Copying the file will not delete your projects from original location while moving will delete your projects from original location.

Make sure you select Move Projects and Events!

Please remember that computers at MEWS are frozen, which means that they automatically delete any saved files on the computer!

Click here for more in depth explanation 🙂

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